Have you ever wondered why you can’t catch a lot of fish? There must be some reasons why you can catch only one or two where your mate can catch way a lot more than you. I know that’s frustrating because fishing is more than just fishing, it’s an art, and art needs attainment, you can’t just leave it half-done and be satisfied.
So how can you be able to catch a lot of fish? Well, in this article I am going to show you the best tips and tricks about fishing, so that you can understand where you were lacking while fishing.
Are there actually any tricks for fishing?
Well I know your skeptical mind must be thinking there is no way out and fishing is simply about luck. No, that’s not true. Luck is accidental, and experts who know the trick can bring luck to their favor on a daily basis.
Best tips and tricks for catching a lot of fishes
Think seasonally:
You need to have knowledge about fish food. In different season fishes eat different food. For example, generally bass eats craw fish at the beginning of the year and during the fall and summer they like to eat shad.
So at the beginning of the year you should select peach-colored bait and during summer and fall you should use silver bait so that your baits are what the fishes are looking for.
Know the nature:
Before fishing you need to know the nature of the fish you want to catch. Different fishes have a different nature. If you want to catch bass, you should never miss time before the storm. They become active in pressure, so it is the best time to catch them.
They even eat bait when they are irritated. If you upset them by tapping, it’s obvious it will bite the hook!
Choose a blunt hook:
If the fishes find the sharp edges, chances are they won’t eat the bait. So choose a blunt hook so that the fish feels safe to eat the bait.
Be a knot expert:
Knotting the hook is an important part of fishing. Practice to knot the hook quickly, but don’t forget to knot it strongly. The more quickly you are able to knot, the more chances you have to catch a lot of fish.
Choose the red one:
Try to choose bait with a red head in shallow covers. It will deceive the fish appearing as injured bait and so they will bite it.
Observe the tide:
Tides are friendly, they move the bait and the fishes get attracted to it. When there are multiple tides, you have chances to catch a lot of fish.
Adapt with the need:
When you can’t catch any fish, there must be some reason behind it. Sometimes you might choose a wrong spot where there is no fish around it, or you might be doing it wrong. You must adapt with the need either by changing the spot or by changing the method.
Fishing requires patience, but patience without the correct knowledge can’t bring any success. So, if you want to catch a lot of fish, use the above mentioned tricks and tips and try to gather as much information as you can from the locals to utilize these tips.